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Recap 10-10-2004



From: "Kinley Jon" <jkinley@penncharter.com>
Date: Fri Oct 8, 2004
Subject: Re: NJSIAA slaps Caracter with a 15-day suspension
NJSIAA slaps Caracter with a 15-day suspension

In the recap of the Caracter's "punishment", is described as "light".
That's an understatement!
But given how much adults have to lose, I'm not surprised.
His new school would lose "Appearance Money" in all the made foe media games
this winter,
Promoters would lose out because arena would not be filled and TV might
not buy into the events.
Coaches and administrators might lose their jobs, if their schools lose.
The NBA or a NCAA school might not get the looks they need to make more money
on this kid.
Do you think is latest ranking on hoopituprecruiting.com had anything to
do with the "punishment.
In the high pressure big bucks world of Blue Chip high school sports,
how else could the NJSIAA have voted. Agree on a "punishment" and hope to
keep the money flowing and the lawyers off your door step.
Do what you have to do to survive, but do'nt tell us this is "punishment"
I can only hope that Caracter does not get used the way Eddie Griffin got
In "The Punishment of Eddie Griffin" I wrote that Griffin's punishment
for for being expelled fron Roman Catholic High (Oh yea--after the basketball
season ended) was a scholarship to Seton Hall. When he was "dismissed" from
the Hall, his punishment was a three year NBA rookie nillionair's contract.
When Griffin was suspended, he was "punished". With another contract. Now
after his latest suspension, He was "punished" his latest big buck contract.
What do you think the odds are that this will be his last "Discipline".

> For the Star-Ledger
> Derrick Caracter transferred to St. Patrick's from Scotch Plains-
> Fanwood for reasons of athletic advantage, the New Jersey State
> Interscholastic Athletic Association ruled yesterday, but the Union
> County basketball star will miss only 15 days of the regular season
> for the rules violation. Not only was Caracter's punishment
> relatively light -- he could have been sidelined for the entire
> season -- but the 6-9 junior center also was informed that his
> mother's purchase of a new home in Elizabeth last summer was deemed
> a bonafide change of residence.

/v/vbbb/@StoryAd?x) Under NJSIAA rules, transfer students who have earned a
varsity letter are ineligible for the first 30 days of the season at their
new school unless they have had a bonafide change of address. Because
Caracter's mother moved out of the Scotch Plains-Fanwood school district, he
was not bound by the 30-day waiting period Go here for full story: _NJSIAA
slaps Caracter with a 15-day suspension_

> (
> 0/109721100072080.xml)


Recap 9-29-2004


What is your take on the recent rash of top HS player transfers and is it good for the players and schools in the long run? What is the point of it all?


From: Kenneth Horowitz <khorowitz@strat4wealth.com>
Date: Wed Sep 29, 2004 6:05pm

It starts from the top, the NBA, and the money and press players receive. No
doubt the same holds true at their collegiate level, the money is less
discreet but still very important to the schools.

There is more and more pressure to produce competitive teams and showcase
talent at all levels. Schools are doing all they can do to make that happen.


From: EmilRoc@aol.com
Date: Wed Sep 29, 2004 9:53pm

What is happening to our youth? We have allowed corporate greed to seep deep into our communities. These traveling AAU teams and others have created a climate where there is no longer any loyalty to a team. Kids are made to believe that they are some sort of gift to basketball.  When actually basketball is a gift to us. It had allowed many of us to change our lives for the better. It created Sportsmen and better citizens out of many people I know. Today's game is not the same. This is not the game we grew to love. Transferring for basketball is not in the best interest in fair competition. Parents and coaches need to take back this game. We must reject the big corporate apparel companies who buy our kids and don't do a thing for our communities. There are numerous pros who went on to make big monies but how many have contributed to the schools they attended. How many have gone on and never gotten a college degree? More then you can count. Our kids need to refocus on their future careers and they are not. Many can't even fill out a college application. Lord help us if we do not begin to be more critical of what's happening to our kids. As a Parent and coach I find myself struggling with these issues. I hope I'm not alone on this topic. Thanks for letting me vent.


From: Mcgheea5@aol.com
Date: Wed Sep 29, 2004 10:01pm

I coach AAU ball and I tell you the kids are going to the team with the money and the big name. Some kids can benefit from going to a school that will help him get into college. Some high school programs are just bad. We have several kids from Norfolk, VA. that should be in college, however the coaches did not do their homework and the kids are on the streets. Put the same kids at a school 30 minutes away and they may become a house hold name. Changing schools are not for everybody, however sometimes you got to think about the kids future. I'm not talking about the slam balls that pimp the kids. Many of these kids are from single homes with little income therefore who would not jump at a chance to improve their chances of being looked at by a D 1 school. Everybody wants to be on ESPN, therefore kids will travel to different States to get recognition. Some coaches will bend the rules by finding apartments, families, transportation and what other means to get these players. They do it in Wrestling, Baseball, Football and so on. How can a high school stay on top without transfers? High school have recruited for 100 years and it will continue. This is a free country, therefore just hope that these kids get better guidance.




Recap 8-07-2004


Why does basketball reward being left back in school?


The AAU has age exemption rules (i.e., A 16yo 8th grader can play with the 14 - 15yo 8th graders. You gotta see these horses at the AAU Nat'ls).

Older high school students, who have been left back, can play with there appropriate students and get props for being better than their classmates as they should be because they are older and more mature physically. Some even get drafted in the NBA and others are touted as the next Lebron James.
Question? How old is 8th grader, Lance Stephenson?

The differences between a 14, 15, 16 and 17 year old is much different from the differences between a 18, 19 and 20 year old from a physical
perspective. At the earlier ages the differences are more extreme.

Why does basketball reward kids who get left back in school? Shouldn't kids be forced to play in their own age group? This will tell us how good they really are. Or should we just continue with these illusions of greatness?



From: Largent47@aol.com
Date: Thu Aug 5, 2004 7:43am


Its Insane. The rule for aau should be age only until you get to be a sophomore in high school and are at a recruitable age. I saw Kearis Pinkney (Hoopscoop #1 6th grader) at the 12 and under nationals. He will be 14 in early September. Has playing against teams with mostly 12 yr olds. How is this helping him and what message is this sending teams that don't have these grade exemption kids. Most teams that advanced far had their allotted 3 grade exemptions. What's the point play your age till High School then go grade. 

From: emerge ebony <emergee@yahoo.com>
Date: Thu Aug 5, 2004 7:53am


From: blubirdb@aol.com
Date: Thu Aug 5, 2004 8:56am


I feel bad that i have to say this but if you are in the 8th grade and you are 16-17-18 y/o you should NOT  be able to play. There should be a rule about this!!!!!  They should enter the student in another team so that he/she can play with their own kind or  they should say,'' until you pass this class you are not eligible to play.'' Because when you think about it, it makes no sense. imagine a  13-14 y/o playing ball w/ a 17 y/o . Basketball shouldn't reward kids who get left back in school. This is coming from a 15 y/o female. I know from experience that i wouldn't be too happy
From: jadkins100@aol.com
Date: Thu Aug 5, 2004 8:59am



I agree with you. We shouldn't provide those who have failed in the classroom with opportunity to excel on the basketball court. An additional year of experience is a big difference at the younger age groups. AAU should eliminate the grade exception rule and have all kids play within their correct age group.
From: Pokee40@aol.com
Date: Thu Aug 5, 2004 9:15am



That is an interesting question.  When I started out coaching AAU, I went by the exact age and grade.  When I started competing and seen that kids are older than my kids, but the same grade.  It really made a difference in the outcome of the game.  Physically the older kids wore us down.  The skill level could be the same, but the physical play is a big part.  Now when I compete I try to look for 1 to 2 exemption players to play with my kids to give us balance.  I think the rule is horrible.  It does not prove anything if you can dominate a grade that you are older than.
Nice Subject...



totally agree with the opinions expressed.  I have been associated with the Mitchellville Trailblazers boys basketball team and we are about to begin our sixth year in existence(14U).  We have never had an overage kid on our roster.  I think it is incredibly unfair for our kids who are excellent students to be forced to play against AAU teams with 3 players in their starting lineups who are 1 or almost 2 years older than our players.  Kids should play against kids their own age.  What this has encouraged is so many parent to "fail" or as they call it "reclassify" their child so that their child can play against younger kids, look good and hope that it leads to some type of scholarship.  AAU and both need to abolish the grade exemption rule because it hurts far more kids than it helps.  Additionally, it is simply a fairer system.  Each year most of the teams that get nationally ranked have grade exception players.  The bottom line is this.  If the player is so good then he should play against kids his own age.  By the way, for those of you who may read this and think that it is jealousy talking in 2002 we the Mitchellville Trailblazers were ranked 9th in the nation.  We were the only "pure"(i.e., no grade exceptions) 11U team that was nationally ranked in our age group that year.

Jeffrey M. Groce

From: "McCathorine, Fred" <FMcCathorine@tpibaltimore.com>
Date: Thu Aug 5, 2004 9:29am

NOT! TRUE!!!  The grade/age exemption rule only allows for a player to play one age below his current age provided that he is one grade back, i.e. a 15 year old may play in the 14U division provided that he is in the eighth grade and that his birth date is after September 1, 1988 (Note that all AAU competition is competed by September 1).

            Please go to aauboysbasketball.org, double click on 03-04 Handbook/Rules, and then on Competition Rules.   Review Section A.3, Age Determination Date/Grade Exception Rule carefully!

            While AAU has an extensive certification process for all team qualifying for the Nationals, a lot of the policing of AAU policy must be left to the honesty of the coaches, programs and clubs that make up the individual State Associations.    For the integrity of the sport itself to be maintained for the players, sometimes people with documentation about a coach or program bending the rules has to step forward to AAU!  This should be done with all due privacy to the individual player, as well as, the other players on the team.  For the most part players do not bend rules, adults do!  Too publicly question, by name, a player's eligibility should be done with the utmost caution!

Why reward kids left back is complete debate in itself!  The basic context of grade exception is that a player is allowed to play with his current class mates.  For example in many states the eighth grade is in middle school!  If a kid has turned 15 an is still in middle school,  with out grade exception he would be forced to play with high school kids who, for the most part, he does not know, and who may have a full year of Junior Varsity ball under their belts.  Should this kid be forced to try-out with these JV players?   Should we also give some thought to the fact that for many players it is not a case of left back due to things they themselves did or did not do?  I am willing to bet that if you were able to look closely at a lot (not all) of the players playing under the grade exception rule you would find that once again an adult is at the route cause of the issue!

Kids today are at double and triple jeopardy at the hands of adults, parents, administrator, coaches and teachers, and all others who would exploit them for some gain whether it is an AAU National Championship trophy, State High School Championship, personal gain, personal dislikes, adult ego, drugs, etc!  Until we adults step back and revaluate motives, ourselves, the reasons we coach, our relationship with the players, and then question ourselves (When this young man or young woman is an adult what will be the most positive things he took from this sports experience?), we will continue to mired in things have very little to do with what should be a great sport experience!

Sign me!

Sports for all forever!

(Please not use my name or e-mail address when posting or other wise using this reply.)

The Staten Island Stingrays....S.I.New York
  We have been saying this for 4 years now.Our organization has 13 teams and not 1 grade exception. We believe that the boys who play sports should first excel in the class room.As for your question Why does Basketball reward being left back ? Money Money Money ..
From: Coach Dre Edwards <coachdre@optonline.net>
Date: Thu Aug 5, 2004 10:25am





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